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Banksia ericifolia 'little eric'

Posted: December 30th, 2022, 11:19 pm
by Rory
Banksia ericifolia 'little eric'

This was purchased from the Glendale Native Nursery in Newcastle. $16.95 as a 4inch tub.

With Banksia ericifolia, you can remove a lot of the roots and not worry about die-back. I prefer to leave all foliage on Banksia after a root removal, and this species is the same.

Don't remove a lot of the foliage on Banksias. With the first root prune, you can go hard on the roots of Banksia, but if you really want to cut foliage, then leave at least 60-70% of foliage on the tree to fasten the recovery.
Only cut back roots on a banksia when nights are over about 10 degrees, and don't do it at the end of summer or in autumn.
It needs time to push out a lot of new growth and even more time for the leaves to harden before winter. It needs time to regain health before coming into winter and you want to have the roots constantly pulling water out of the mix, not sitting in a wet mix over winter.
Now having said that, if the roots are staying wet too long and drainage becomes an issue, then repot immediately.
Separate the roots (cut off any that are rotten), bare-root and remove all the old soil and replace it with a fresh mix, adding in washed river sand.
I've lost more Banksia from root rot, than from drying out. With a few exceptions I've trialled, most Banksia can tolerate drought really well.

This variant is 'little eric'. I'm not sure there is much difference between this and the standard Ericifolia, but I have had problems with drought from 'little eric' before. I have also had problems with trunk chops from these, and lost one after a very low trunk chop.
With this specimen, I want to maintain a tall bonsai. I like tall native bonsai a lot.
This one had a lot of the root removed as a nursery stock in September, but has powered on well since then.

I realize its not quite yet 01.01.2023, but its easier to post that its 2023, so looking back people can easily distinguish that its a year apart. Its only 1 day before the actual date.
B. ericifolia 1-01 01Jan2023.jpg

Re: Banksia ericifolia 'little eric'

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 11:56 am
by Grant Bowie
Looks like nice material. Interesting to see what you do with it. Good advice as well,most people seem to think you have to reduce foliage when you cut roots to “balance the tree”. Definitely not so.


Re: Banksia ericifolia 'little eric'

Posted: November 3rd, 2023, 5:08 pm
by Rory
B. ericifolia 1-02 03Nov2023.jpg.jpg

Placed into a Pat Kennedy pot (Australia)