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My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 23rd, 2012, 10:00 pm
by Stewart_Toowoomba
Hi All :aussie:

Not really sure if this is the best section of the forum to post.... but what the heck anyway!

I had a clean up over the weekend and took some photos of my own little patch of bonsai heaven. It may not look as fancy as many of the shelves and bonsai areas posted by other members, but i can assure you that this 25 square metres holds a special place fro me. Most of them are potensai with a few slightly more advances trees scattered in. The ginkos in the back are seedlings sown from our tree in the back yard. The stand was made as a birthday present by a crafty brother in law. I've got a (growing) collection of figs, natives and yamadori as well and a potting bench that could hold half of bodhi's collection (well not really :shock: but you get the idea...)

Those members with a young family (three kids under 10 here ... plus my partner too :roll: ) will know how hard it is to get to their trees at times! I''m pleased to show other members my place of escape when i get the chance. I though others may be happy to show their little patch of escape/ paradise / retreat...... Isn't it great to be amongst your trees!!


Room with a viewLR.JPG
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Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 6:39 am
by emi93m
I love it mate :tu: we all need a bit of bonsai paradise and I really like your Bonsai work table :tu2: Your apprentice should be fully qualified by now surely ........ ive seen some of his work :?: :tu:
Regards Mick

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 7:54 am
by Greth
Got an apprentice similar age, lol, at least they have a chance to grow a 80 year bonsai from scratch! Love your setup, dont be embarrassed if they are young and unstyled, we all have to start somewhere, and if we arent millionaires its gonna be managing potentsai for a while.

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 8:58 am
by bodhidharma
Thats the way Stew. It is important to have a retreat for yourself where you can go, be private, and do what you love. You know you will be infected with the Bonsai thing when you start looking for a second spot to set up. :palm:

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 9:17 am
by philf555
bodhidharma wrote:You know you will be infected with the Bonsai thing when you start looking for a second spot to set up. :palm:
Couldnt agree more, ive gone from my first area, to recently a second area of yard for the trainers and am now planning on appropriating another section of yard.... plans have been submitted to the "council of wife" for approval :fc:

When the bug bites it bites hard, may have to let go one of the other hobbies :crybye:

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 11:45 am
by kcpoole
Very nice Stew :-) :yes:

How big and old is the Ginkgo in the yard?, Can I come and dig it up? :lol:

Have you taken layers off it?


Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 12:17 pm
by daiviet_nguyen
Hi Stewart,

Nice space you have there. I notice that you some pots close to the wall, reflective heat could be a problem?

It looks like a secured area too :)


Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by Stewart_Toowoomba
Most times in Toowoomba we need as much heat as we can get! :lol: That wall seems to be a really good location actually - as the house stops the southerly and westerly winds that can blow us away here. I have trouble getting my plants to have enough light with a big avacado tree and palm making shade anytime after 1pm.

The light colour of the house and the stucco seem to disipate much of the reflective heat anyway. The western side of the house is a different story though - they would fry there for sure, but the northern wall seems to be OK and the plants are still a good 50-70cm away from it too.

Ken - As for the ginko - i don't even think that yellow tree remover - (see recent posting) could cope with it! My tree is at least two story's high and bears heaps of fruit. I pick out the seedlings as they sprout around the place after the winter rains. The yard is pure yellow in autumn! It would have to be thirty years old + consider the slow growth rate they have. In summer we just love to sit under it in the cool of the evening - and great shade for the kids to during the days.

I have never even considered layering - i could have HEAPS if i did that! :palm:

Daviet - no possums, dogs or footballs to worry about ATM - just the apprentice :roll: - especially when he wants to help water or relocate the plants to his higher level of thinking "No you can't trunk chop my cascade juniper!!!!" :x :lol:



Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 1:59 pm
by bki
bodhidharma wrote:Thats the way Stew. It is important to have a retreat for yourself where you can go, be private, and do what you love. You know you will be infected with the Bonsai thing when you start looking for a second spot to set up. :palm:
this hits me spot on Bodhi and Stew.
i just realize i still have enough space in my front yard when i start bonsai a few months ago and now stay there most of the time.

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 7:44 pm
by Andrew Legg
Here's my little patch of peace! Conveniently placed behind the pool fence to keep the kids out of the trees!
En 1.jpg
En 2.jpg
En 3.jpg
En 4.jpg
And then this is the rough stuff area and spot that I use to keep some experimental stock and yamadori in recovery. This bit is off the record book and I have been given the :x by management for cluttering it up! :whistle:
En 5.jpg

Re: My 25 square metres of bonsai paradise!!

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 8:48 pm
by Stewart_Toowoomba
Great posting Andrew

Not the purpose to be jealous but love the benches :mrgreen: . It looks like a great aspect as well. Is the gravel there to increase humidity with water? Lovely trees too by the way! Amongst them particularly the little Shohin third pic top shelf.... Beautiful!
