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1960's Australian bonsai publications

Posted: June 26th, 2009, 12:58 pm
by lindsay farr
New Idea published the 24 page "The art of Bonsai" in the early 60's. The Author was P.G Moore who had studied under Japanese army interpretor L.J. Nazum.

Max Leversha's book tiled BONSAI was of 54 pages and published by Lothian.
Your garden Magazine ran a 5 page feature in Sept 1966
Please assist with other even earlier stuff

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 26th, 2009, 2:33 pm
by kcpoole
Hi Lindsay and nice to see you here.
Did they come out your archives? They sure are old.


Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 26th, 2009, 3:42 pm
by Jarrod
I'm sure i have a couple of old book or publications lying around at home. Will try to find them and add an image here!


Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 26th, 2009, 3:50 pm
by Bain
One thing seems to have changed between those publications and now is that everyone seems to want to get that instant 200 year old bonsai by growing everything in bigger pots/open fields.

It seems back then one of the main points of the art was to have something grow from seed or sapling in a bonsai pot for its entire life.

Personally, I like both ideas - something to display and something to nurture.

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 27th, 2009, 9:20 am
by Bretts
Great to see you here Lindsay. That is an interesting collection you have. I only have one of the Bonsai australis magazines Volume one issue one march?April 1993. It has an anomaly of the Ulmus Parvifolia article on page 10 has the content of the Taking the byte out of bonsai article instead of the Ulmus article. I guess all of the printings had this mistake but I am yet to confirm this. I guess it would be worth some money if mine was the only one. I was pretty annoyed I did not get to read the Ulmus article though.

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 8:22 pm
by lindsay farr
I've collected these at old book shops for years. Keep your eye open because they do turn up from time to time. These publications all originated in Melbourne. I'm sure there are others.
I agree, the 60's bonsai culture here lent towards a much gentler approach.
Dig out any old 60's publications and post them here.
I'll post another thread with 70's stuff.
The 80's was a prolific decade. And the 90's.

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 8:56 pm
by Jarrod
Here are the ones I have.

It appears we have one the same.

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 10:34 am
by lindsay farr

Yes that's the New Idea mag in the middle. The one on the left is an early Sunset book (American). What is the one on the right?

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 7:22 pm
by Jarrod
The book on the right is just called Bonsai. By Woodward Radcliff. It is another american one from 1961. It states that technical credit goes to Frank Nagata and Tsunji Yamashiro. There appears to be a whole range of these books on different topics like orchids and the like.

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 11:17 pm
by aaron_tas
:arrow: anyone recognise this one :?:
book spine.jpg
book inside cover.jpg
book stamp.jpg
book year.jpg

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 11:20 pm
by aaron_tas
:arrow: there's not much english in this one but there are 2-3 colour pics in it, pretty old skool lookin colour too :D

it's called BONSAI Photos of Now Famous Miniature Trees Vol. 6, fully stamped sweet as...

Re: 60's publcations... and before

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 1:07 am
by Robert J. Baran
1) I recently came upon this article from The Queensland Agricultural Journal, July 1, 1900

2) Any biographical details on "P.G Moore who had studied under Japanese army interpretor L.J. Nazum" or the specific citations for that article in New Idea or Max Leversha's book?

3) Also, does anyone have any updates to this page in particular or its parent page


Robert J. Baran
researcher historian

Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 6:17 pm
by lindsay farr
I'm amazed at how you find this stuff. I'm not so amazed that you find it but that you put in the effort have the skill to share it as well.
That Queensland dept agriculure piece is pertinent. In the early 50's when I was first learned about bonsai, I was told that planting a seed in an orange peel or a table tennis ball would dwarf the tree. Back then there was a tendency to bundle bonsai with foot binding.
Here's a bit from 1987 Bonsai/ Penjing news about it.
The only information that I have about P.G Moore is from the inner back cover
There's a head shot too
When did bonsai come to Victoria??????????
Probably in the 1850's when 150,000 Cantonese came for the Gold Rush.
The same Ladies that introduced me to Bonsai held a show in the Lower Melbourne Town Hall in the mid 1950's
I'll speak to some veterans about it and let you know.

Keep up the wonderful work. Your site is a real inspiration.



Re: 60's publcations. What's with the spruce Bruce???

Posted: July 3rd, 2009, 5:37 pm
by lindsay farr
Max Leversha
Bonsai Author 1968

Here's what In remember of Max Leversha.

A close friend of Max told me of how he became involved in Bonsai.

Max Leversha was a aircraft gunner in WW2. He sat in one of those bubbles on top of the plane and operated a gun. One day a Japanese fighter plane was so close that Max could look into the Japanese airman's eyes.

It was this moment that set max's bonsai pathway. He vowed to understand the culture of his combatant.

I'm almost certain that Max studied horticulture at Burnley College at wars end.

He started a bonsai nursery in Glen Iris and was active with a number of bonsai organisations.

When I returned from Boston in 1978 Max was working at Smith and Gordon Nursery in Glen Iris. He had grown a range of Japanese plants suitable for bonsai. I purchased my first batch of Black and red pines from him in that year.

Max taught bonsai at a number of community arts centers. He created my first opportunity to teach when he recommended me to the Templestowe community arts centre.

Later he moved to the North Croydon area where he operated his Nursery.

Over the years he purchased every available book on Penjing.

Max was held in high esteem by the Koreshoff's. In Max's copy of Bonsai in Australia Dot wrote
"To Dear Friend Max-A kindred soul.
Love Dorothy

That's about all I can re-call. There are others who knew Max very well.

I'd be eager to share their memories.



Re: 1960's Australian bonsai publications

Posted: July 5th, 2009, 2:49 pm
by lindsay farr
This is a sketch by 60's bonsai pioneer and author Max Leversha.
Probably used for planning a display