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Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 22nd, 2023, 9:03 am
by James N
I got into bonsai over the winter and am looking for a pair of general purpose scissors I can hopefully use for many years.

- Kikuwa 200mm Carbon Steel (~$50, bonsaibetter)
- Hanzo 200mm Stainless Steel (~$60, bonsaishop)
- Ryuga 201mm Stainless Steel (~$60 bonsaisensation)

My main question is what is the better type of steel, and if anyone has had experience with those brands.
Will appreciate any help or comments


Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 22nd, 2023, 10:59 pm
by SuperBonSaiyan
I'm new as well. I have a pair of Kikuwa and a pair someone gifted me from Japan. Not sure of brand.

They both work great. The finish is slightly better on the Kikuwa, but I find functionally they're identical.

No complaints with the Kikuwa. Once it got a bit loose and I really hammered it back into my desired firmness.

I've also read good things about Kaneshin.

I prefer carbon steel as they're easier to sharpen (and I don't mind sharpening).

Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 23rd, 2023, 10:18 am
by Bougy Fan
I would go with the Ryuga - they are made in China but great quality. I also use and recommend Tian tools - if you buy from the manufacturer they ship for free. I am full stainless steel now and would never go back to carbon steel. I am not so sure about this perception that Stainless tools are harder to sharpen. I feel it may have applied to Stainless steel tool from many years ago. :2c:

Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 23rd, 2023, 1:21 pm
by delisea
Hi James,
Go the stainless steel. Unless you are fastidious high carbon steel can be a pain. It is more important to actually sharpen your tools. It is possible to get a sharper edge with high carbon steel, but you are cutting twigs not sushi so IMO what is the point?

I use Kaneshin. They are excellent but a well maintained cheaper pair will be just as good.Try to get a pair that you can easily tighten. I cut wire with mine (yes I know poor form) and need to adjust them sometimes.

There is some good info here:
https://kaneshin.shop2.multilingualcart ... 7-163.html


Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 23rd, 2023, 6:05 pm
by Trimmy
Is there a benefit of scissors over pruners? I have a branch cutter and a knob cutter and clearly they are essential. (yes, another newbie)

Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: July 24th, 2023, 6:30 am
by SuperBonSaiyan
Scissors are lighter and more precise (for cutting buds/twigs).

I bought these to try recently and like them. Very cheap compared to other bonsai specific tools. ... ROF5IWQ41I

Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: August 6th, 2023, 12:33 pm
by Bonsai-En
Hi James,

I will leave some of our resources here for you so you can do some reading on all things Bonsai Tools.

Ultimate Guide On Tools ( learn about the common tools used ) ... nsai-tools

A Guide On Japanese Steels ( learn why they last a life time ) ... sai-tools

A Guide On Scissors ... yers-guide

Also you mentioned the Kikuwa 200mm scissors for $50, Dont over pay for them. We sell them for $36.99

Re: Bonsai Scissors For A Newbie

Posted: August 21st, 2023, 11:35 am
by Matty7
I have Ryuga stainless steel stuff and they are great for the price. I'm very happy with them.

I couldn't justify spending almost twice the price for Japanese stuff.