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Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 8:56 am
by Oliver E
I have this angophora costata for about three years now, and every year it does the same thing. Which is push out a decent growth, then die back. The leaves go, see pictures.
Not sure what is going on or what to do about it.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 8:57 am
by Oliver E
I am in Sydney.
I also have another a costata that grows 'normally'

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 10:42 am
Could be two problems? Insect or Euc/myrtle rust? Hopefully someone else in your region has some suggestions.

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 10:54 am
by Oliver E
For sure I thought about myrtle rust. But I've seen it before and it looks different. Unless it looks different on different species, but I don't think so. Could be a different fungal issue though.

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 16th, 2023, 3:57 pm
by dansai
The second photo looks like it could be myrtle rust. The only thing missing is the bright yellow pustules. I've not seen it on my Angophoras. It does however, have the look of a fungal issue.

When was the tree last repotted? Is it treated the same as your other Angophoras? What happens after the leaves die back? Does it reshoot and have the same issue?

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 17th, 2023, 9:52 am
by Oliver E
It was reported this year into akadama/ pumice, with some pockets of field soil. Also with initiator tablets, so shouldn't be insect.
My other a. Costata is from tube stock, in an organic mix, and wasn't repotted this year. So no it's not treated the same. But last year it was the same issue and the affected tree was in a more organic mix. Partly why I wanted to report it even though it wasn't in good health.
And yes it reshoots then has the same issue.
Previous I cut all the affected foliage off and tried to keep a bit on the dry side.
I am quite sure it's fungal. But not convinced it's myrtle rust.
I will try some fungicide, but I am not experienced in this. So any suggestions welcome.

Re: Angophora costata troubles

Posted: October 17th, 2023, 12:05 pm
by treeman
If it happens every year and you have another one which is not affected, you can suspect a virus. If that turns out to be what it is, there's no cure.
I'm not saying that's what it is however.