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Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: August 18th, 2020, 5:25 am
by Per PF
Here's my Willow Leaf Ficus (I think?) in its overgrown state. The leaves can be reduced quite a bit, but are large now...
I have some ideas about the future but would love some input. The lowest branch is being grown freely to fatten and contribute to trunk size. I have split the root-base and lodged a piece of toothpick in there to possibly raise it at future repot.
Skärmavbild 2020-08-17 kl. 21.03.30.png
Skärmavbild 2020-08-17 kl. 20.59.06.png


Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: August 18th, 2020, 7:11 am
by legoman_iac
Hey Per,

Think if you want a thicker trunk, it needs to go in a much, much bigger/deeper pot. I'd let it thicken up before trying too much more wiring. Also, think you need to choose a leader, the fork at the top feels a little contradictory... do you want tall, or bent over? Or both? Or maybe wire the top, straight one and bend it over to the right?

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: August 18th, 2020, 8:46 am
by juan73870
Hey, it looks like it's probably a Benjamina or Microcarpa ficus. The willow leaf ficus (nerifolia) have long narrow leaves and are a lot trickier to care for. Great start to the little guy you've got there though! I can see it progressing well 😊

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: August 18th, 2020, 12:32 pm
by melbrackstone
Definitely a Ficus benjamina of some sort, the trunks don't thicken up like many other figs. Make the most of the slender elegant trunk and just keep clipping back the top (and roots when necessary,) to get ramification. Lots of sunlight, and a bit of fertiliser to keep it happy, and you'll be able to keep it nice and compact.

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: October 12th, 2020, 10:00 pm
by Per PF
(Sorry for super late reply)
Thanks guys, Benjamina (of some sort) it is!

I decided to unwire it and let it grow for the time being. Like you observed legoman_iac I didn't have a clear idea with that apex and I still don't :P
Maybe I'll get inspired at the next repot...

Cutting Mame Ficus Benjamina back hard?

Posted: November 3rd, 2020, 7:28 am
by Per PF
Sooo the idea of cutting this back hard and changing the leader to the first branch has nestled in my head.
1. Do you think it could manage it? (and survive..)
2. Is it a bad idea, design wise? The plan is to raise the root some more as it's fatter below (but needs healing atm)
Thanks for any input!

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: November 3rd, 2020, 9:50 am
by kcpoole
sure it will survive with a hard cut,
you could just let the lower branch grow as a sacrifice too


Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: November 3rd, 2020, 11:09 am
by melbrackstone
The tiny one I have is super bendy, so using Ken's idea of a sacrifice branch, you could give the trunk and top section some extreme bends to make the whole thing more compact.
I make this suggestion purely because the tree will grow better with more leaves...give it a chance to get stronger before chopping off those solar panels.

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: November 3rd, 2020, 4:03 pm
by Per PF
Cheers guys - I'll wait until it's in more active growth (more sun) and then try some bends before I cut anything.

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: November 3rd, 2020, 9:11 pm
by Raging Bull
If you take off the larger top part of the tree don't waste the part you cut off. I have found that they grow easily from cuttings, just apply some rooting hormone, put it in a pot with well-draining mix and water regularly. It helps if you cross your fingers. :fc: ;)

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: November 5th, 2020, 7:40 am
by Per PF
:fc: :D :worship:

Re: Mame Ficus Benjamina trunk chop

Posted: February 15th, 2021, 3:16 am
by Per PF
My two indoor Ficus Benjamina has gone into spring-mode. The sun hours are increasing (finally) + it's been a bit colder outside so the radiators are heating up = indoor springtime!
They have both been in active growth for a couple of weeks now so I decided to trunk chop as planned. I split the trunk and put some toothpicks as wedges before dipping in auxin powder. :fc: (I had some leftover lava rock that I mixed in, but it's mostly potting soil for the cutting)

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: February 15th, 2021, 8:32 am
by melbrackstone
I put a large-ish benjamina 2cm diameter cutting into water over Summer, and it powered away with new roots pretty quickly! (Just if you're looking for alternatives.)

Re: Mame Willow Leaf(?), design input welcome

Posted: February 16th, 2021, 3:14 am
by Per PF
That's really good to know, thanks! I would've done that instead if I knew it worked on the species.

Mame Ficus Benjamina Repot/design

Posted: November 1st, 2021, 3:22 am
by Per PF
Repot time! The design has changed quite a bit with this one. It's a bit embarrassing to see the first pictures in this thread now :palm:
There's still the crown to sort out but it needs to grow some (lignify!) first I think.
IMG_5650 copy.jpg
Plenty of roots.
The two pots I decided between. I think the oval has a more clear front which I think the tree needs at this stage.
IMG_5688 copy.jpg
"Final" result for now.
IMG_5672 copy.jpg
Size reference (I don't really drink beer so.. ;)

Ideas for the crown welcome btw. I.e: how to make these few branches/leaves simulate the crown of a mature ficus.